Glen Reid
Union – Actra
Height: 6'0" Weight: 190lbs. Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Eye Colour: Brown Canadian Aboriginal – European
Canada: The story of us Lead PJ Narorynski Fear thy Neighbour Supporting Michael G. Wilson
Paranormal Witness Supporting Crispin Reese
Fireworks Supporting Eric Kingsbury
The written Waltz Lead/Stunt Kevin Badali
The Girl in the forest Supporting Rohit Thakur
Murder City Cult Lead Scott Jenner Clearing Spaces Supporting Joy Broadbent
Sweet Dreams lead Jordan Randall
Hostage Supporting Mark Nguyen Steak Juice Supporting Blake Hannahson
Call Me Marilyn Supporting D’Empress Johnson
Disconsolatus lead Amita Zamaan
Savoir lead Sara Hunt
We run these streets Stunt Reed Samuel
The Frenchman (Maximum Risk) Stunt Ringo Lam
(full list of film work available upon request)
Combat for film Havoc Stunts International
Improv acting Bad Dog Theatre Auditioning Skills & Intro to TV & Film Eleanor Fulcher Group
Acting fundamentals Sears & Switzer
TV / Commercial Auditioning Sears & Switzer
Focus on Film Sears & Switzer
Acting Certificate Program Bongo Productions
IAS – Integrated Acting System Miriam Lawrence
COMMERCIAL, MUSIC VIDEO and WEBSERIES Available upon request
Tae kwon Do 19 years Grand Master Kahil Menelik
Sparring Training 2 years Grandmaster Nam Sic-Baik Police training 6 years Toronto Police Service
Aboriginal Dance 3 years Native Canadian Center Toronto
Firearms* Combat shooting Police tactics* Police weaponry Driving - high speed pursuit Tae kwon do* Boxing Beach Volleyball* Bowling 5* / 10 pin Soccer (team) Russian Accent Canoeing*
Hiking Outdoor survival (trapping, hunting) *performs at an above average level of ability
LICENSES PAL License, valid G driver license